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8월, 2021의 게시물 표시

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary : Confession, Holy Mass, Baptism, Sacrament of Eucharist

  Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Confession, Holy Mass, Baptism, Sacrament of Eucharist Holy Mary, pray to God for us! Photo by ClemensS

Confession Holy Mass Counseling and Priests

  After the confession and mass were carefully delivered at dawn, I blessed and consulted those who complained of pain. Saint Father John Maria Bianney was willing to listen to the confession and the appeals of believers in Mass and Pain during this hot summer. Listening to people as priests desperately needs patience and God's help. Jesus Christ, the God we confess as Lord, was also willing to listen to the complaints of the sick in pain. The priest as a counselor must listen to the appeals of suffering that believers say. Secularity teaches the art of listening well. Of course, such technology is helpful. But the priest should listen in the way Jesus Christ hears. Today, the head priest, whom I respect, made my educational background, career and contact information in the form of a business card. Believers in the parish, Gangdong-gu district, and Seoul are actively helping me to make confessions and consult with Eucharist at any time. The head priest encouraged me to consult with...

Confession Mass Counselor and Priest

  About forgiveness Forgiveness is done by God's power. It is very difficult to forgive by human power. However, miracles happen because forgiveness to ask God for his power is not done by me, but by God's power. We all do wrong. God forgives us for our daily mistakes through mass and confession. God's forgiveness is limitless. God is willing to forgive those who participate in mass and repent, "It's my fault," and those who come to the confession and reflect and pledge, "God forgive me." All small sins in everyday life can be forgiven just by participating in mass. Great sins are forgiven through confession. God's love is eternal. God's forgiveness is endless. Eternal love, eternal forgiveness and eternal mercy are clear evidence of how much God loves us. Let's think of God's great love when we think of someone unforgivable today. God forgives ourselves, so we can forgive our neighbors. If we participate in mass and confess, our sins...

Confession, Holy Mass, Rosary.

 Confession is the sacrament of reconciliation, forgiveness and healing. Jesus Christ forgives all the sins of the believers who came to the confession through me, a priest. What a great and amazing mystery is this? The fact that invisible God forgives and heals human wrongs through priests is truly a miracle. I will not forget that I vicar of Jesus Christ today in confession and in Holy Mass. I ask for God's help to convey the love of Christ with all my heart. God forgive us and heal us! Photo by ClemensS

Confession... Holy Mass and Counselor and Spiritual Guidance Priest

Confession, Holy Communion, and spiritual conversation with the Counselor and Pastor... Thank God for today! "Records dominate memories - Canon" recalls the lesson and leaves a record today. "God! Lead me to make my writing a record for your glory!" Photo by ClemensS