About forgiveness
Forgiveness is done by God's power. It is very difficult to forgive by human power. However, miracles happen because forgiveness to ask God for his power is not done by me, but by God's power. We all do wrong. God forgives us for our daily mistakes through mass and confession. God's forgiveness is limitless.
God is willing to forgive those who participate in mass and repent, "It's my fault," and those who come to the confession and reflect and pledge, "God forgive me." All small sins in everyday life can be forgiven just by participating in mass. Great sins are forgiven through confession.
God's love is eternal. God's forgiveness is endless. Eternal love, eternal forgiveness and eternal mercy are clear evidence of how much God loves us. Let's think of God's great love when we think of someone unforgivable today. God forgives ourselves, so we can forgive our neighbors.
If we participate in mass and confess, our sins will surely be forgiven by God. God forgives us through priests. I marvel at this holy mystery again today. Thank God for forgiving people's sins through me. May God, who works through me, be praised!
Photo by ClemensS