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C 20221029 Saturday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time


C 20221029 Saturday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

Reading 1

PHIL 1:18B-26

 I shall continue to rejoice. so that your boasting in Christ Jesus may abound on account of me when I come to you again.


LK 14:1, 7-11

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.

 Photo by ClemensS

이 블로그의 인기 게시물

If experts in biology, medicine, and psychology work together for joint research, they can greatly contribute to the happiness of marriage and family and to peace of conscience. - 52, Gaudium et Spes, DOCUMENTS OF THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL

 The study of humans is called Anthropology. Since I became a priest, I have taught a subject called anthropology in University. It was a comprehensive study of human nature, covering biological, medical, psychological backgrounds and philosophical fields beginning with human origins. Although approaches to biology, medicine, and sociology to humans were also meaningful, psychological approaches were the most interesting to me. It was a great shock to me that men and women were clearly different and that the mysterious providence of why God created men and women. The Catholic Church has already declared that men and women should live without discrimination and respect each other for 2,000 years. However, the argument that men and women should be the same in every way is also rejected. Because men and women are not the same, but equal. Men and women in the Catholic Church are not discriminated against and differ, and they are also distinguished, try to help each other, understand each o

The anniversary of Saint Priest John Maria Vianney, who entrusted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a model for true spiritual counseling through spiritual teaching and the sacrament of confession.

 It was June 30, 2006. As a seminary student, I went to see Father Johann Maria Bianney, the patron saint of the parish priest, the patron saint of all parish priests around the world, which I dreamed of as a seminary student. The excitement and joy of meeting Father Johann Maria Bianney, who was the parish priest in Ars, France, contained the hope that he would gain courage and strength to live as a priest in the parish after his ordination as a priest in the future.  When I was a seminary student in the 3rd year of The Catholic University of Seminary, I went to Lyon, France to learn French during summer vacation. Just before I started my language training at the Catholic University of Lyon, I made a pilgrimage to Ars, France with Father Job KU, who will be the future bishop of our diocese. At that time, the old Bishop taught me about Father Bianney's spirituality and his outstanding parish pastoral care.  Father Bianney is said to have devoted herself to Mass, the sacrament of co

Advances in psychology help humans become more aware of themselves - 5, Gaudium et Spes, DOCUMENTS OF THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL

 What kind of reaction would happen to myself if I faced someone who had different opinions? Whether we live alone, as a marital community, or with anyone, we constantly face people who disagree and disagree with me. How could he think of such a thing? How could he have such a ritual? It's so strange. I don't understand. I don't understand, etc. reactions come from our own minds. These days, I wonder if our society is moving toward an extreme society that responds the opposite way with one event. It's definitely one event, but I'm worried that the extreme reactions of pigtails have become common to be conscious, judged, supported and reacted. It's not just one situation that comes from various reactions, but whether that person has the same opinion as me or the opposite opinion from me that makes me judge him at my disposal and hate and misunderstanding about him sprout. My neighbor is a completely different person from me. Let's take a look at the face. The