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Advances in psychology help humans become more aware of themselves - 5, Gaudium et Spes, DOCUMENTS OF THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL

 What kind of reaction would happen to myself if I faced someone who had different opinions? Whether we live alone, as a marital community, or with anyone, we constantly face people who disagree and disagree with me. How could he think of such a thing? How could he have such a ritual? It's so strange. I don't understand. I don't understand, etc. reactions come from our own minds.

These days, I wonder if our society is moving toward an extreme society that responds the opposite way with one event. It's definitely one event, but I'm worried that the extreme reactions of pigtails have become common to be conscious, judged, supported and reacted. It's not just one situation that comes from various reactions, but whether that person has the same opinion as me or the opposite opinion from me that makes me judge him at my disposal and hate and misunderstanding about him sprout.

My neighbor is a completely different person from me. Let's take a look at the face. The twins' faces look similar, but there's definitely a difference. The same human being who thinks the same, judges the same, and responds the same, is nowhere to be found and produced by a medical scientist or biologist. If you don't admit that he's different from you, you'll feel uncomfortable with us. It is surprising that there is not a single person with the same person and they are all different. I think being different is not a bad thing, but a positive force towards the direction of diversity and harmony for us to live together.

I have to respect the person next to me because he is different from me. The Catholic Church claims and confesses that God created man. The whole Earth, the universe, where we live and form our home, claims that God created it. Whether I believe it or not, the Catholic Church has consistently argued this for over two thousand years. And I will insist on that in the future. Why are humans so dignified? In response to the answer, "Why is man the highest dignity?" the Catholic Church declares that man is the only "object that resembles God."

There can be no discrimination within the Catholic Church between the differences between the ugly, the good, the less handsome, the less handsome, the rich, the poor, the highly educated, the under educated, the disabled, the non-disabled, and so on. Because as long as they are human, they are all equal human beings who resemble God. The Catholic Church appeals to the world, "Love each other, practice love." Love overcomes all difficulties. There's nothing wrong with love.

It's only when thoughts and actions that I don't even understand occur that a new horizon opens to convince my neighbor of the situation of incomprehensible judgment and behavior. That's why the process of getting to know me is really important. In the process of getting to know myself, there will be a way of hope to understand the neighborhood. The Catholic Church declares that advances in psychology help humans to become more aware of themselves. 


Advances in biology, psychology, and the social sciences not only bring men hope of improved self-knowledge; in conjunction with technical methods, they are helping men exert direct influence on the life of social groups.


ref. https://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19651207_gaudium-et-spes_en.html

이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Confession Holy Mass Counseling and Priests

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If experts in biology, medicine, and psychology work together for joint research, they can greatly contribute to the happiness of marriage and family and to peace of conscience. - 52, Gaudium et Spes, DOCUMENTS OF THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL

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